2008年度第3回 英検1級語彙問題解説

2008年度第3 英検1級語彙問題解説






レベル1 50008000語水準(基礎語彙) 主に準1級レベル

レベル2 800012000語水準(必須語彙) 主に1級レベル

レベル3 12000語以上(完成語彙)  米国の大学院入試(GRE)レベル


1. Thanks to the help of an informer, the police were able to (    ) the criminals before they had a chance to carry out the bank robbery.

1 reconvene  2 appease  3 reinstate  4 apprehend

(解説) これは apprehend the criminal(犯人を逮捕する)のコロケーションで解ける問題。apprehend(7000語)、apprehensive(心配する)convene(7000語)にreがついたreconvene reconvene a meeting(会を再召集する)、reinstate someone as a general manager (総支配人として(人を)復職させる、9000語)


reinstate a (member, law, penalty)(復職[復活]させる)「構成員・法律」と主に結びつく


2. Westville council has (    ) efforts by bar owners to allow smoking in their bars. “The smoking ban in all public places will remain,” said councilman John Regis.

1 relapsed  2 reassimilated  3 rebuffed  4 resuscitated

(解説) rebuff [= reject, spurn](しりぞける、13000語)。rebuffoffer, proposalなどのコロケーションが多いので一瞬迷いますが、文中のeffortsと結びつくのはrebuffしかありません。reassimilate(assimilatereがついた形。assimilate(知識や文化を吸収する、取り入れる。6000語))、suffer a relapse(病気をぶり返す)、mouth to mouth resuscitation(人口呼吸、13000語)


assimilate (information, ideas, immigrants)(吸収する・理解する)「情報・移民」と結びつきやすい

rebuff sb’s (offer, suggestion, request)(拒絶する)       「提案・要求」と結びつきやすい


3. Steve’s mom was angry when he broke her favorite vase, but after she saw the look of (    ) on his face, she forgave him.

1 contrition  2 insurrection  3 propagation  4 erudition

(解説) これはレベルの高い問題です。erudition(学識、博学)の意味がわからないと難しい。erudite[=knowledgeable](うんちくのある、博学な、7000~8000語)、contrition[=compunction, regret, penitent](悔い改め)


propagate (information, ideas, the race [plants])(広める・繁殖させる)「情報・種」と主に結びつく

erudite (professor, scholar, knowledge, study)(博学な)「博学者・知識」と結びつきやすい


4. At a news conference, the football star admitted using drugs and said his life was in (    ). “One stupid mistake and I’ve ruined my career,” he explained.

1 stacks  2 blotches  3 tatters  4 swathes

(解説) 一瞬13000語レベルのblotchで迷うかもしれませんが、blotchは「シミ、汚点」の意味です。語彙レベルは高いですが、ネイティブなら誰でも知っている口語表現で、日本人にはなじみが薄いかもしれません。tattered clothing(ボロボロの衣服、in tatters(ズタズタになって、10000語)、swathed in bandages(包帯でグルグル巻きになっている、12000語)


tattered (clothes, reputation, relationships)(ボロボロの・ずたずたの)「衣服・名声・関係」と結びつきやすい


5. The city’s largest hotel had been (    ) for months by allegations of fraud and poor management, so few people were surprised when it closed down yesterday.

1 spliced  2 plagued  3 repelled  4 harnessed

(解説) この問題はコロケーションでいくと少し苦しいかもしれません。plague6000語)はだいたい「災難などに悩まされる」というコロケーションと結びつきますが、plagued by economic stagnation (景気低迷に悩まされる)もあります。repelの派生語のrepellent[disgusting]は「不快な」という意味を持つharness the solar power(太陽エネルギーを利用する)


6. A: My 14-year-old daughter is (    ) with a rock singer. She has pictures of him all over her bedroom walls.

  B: That’s normal for a teenager. I wouldn’t worry about it.

1 bombarded  2 augmented  3 intimidated  4 infatuated

(解説) infatuated(のぼせあがる・夢中になる、9000語)、bombarded someone with information(=attacked, 質問攻めにする、8000語)、intimidated (おじけづいた)、augment(増強する、6000語)


bombard (a city, an enemy, someone with questions)(爆撃する・攻めたてる)「場所・敵」と結びつきやすい

augment (income, salary, forces, personnel)(増やす・増強する)「収入・人員」と主に結びつく

intimidate the (opponents, enemies, women)(脅す)「敵・女性」と結びつきやすい

be infatuated with (women, love, gambling)(〜と夢中になった)「恋愛・興味の対象」と結びつきやすい


7. As time was running out, the chairman asked the penalties to be (    ) with their closing comments.

1 abhorrent  2 prescient  3 ambient  4 succinct

(解説) succinct commentsでコロケーションで解ける。succinct(簡潔な、10000語)、preで前もって知る、prescient[=prophetic](予知能力のある、15000語)、ambient music(環境音楽)、abhorrent(忌まわしい、9000語)


succinct (summary, description, explanation, introduction)(簡潔な・簡明な)      「言葉・説明」と結びつく  


8. Company representatives insisted on a (    ) in the contract stating that the supplier would compensate them if there were any delays with the product’s delivery.

1 mutation  2 stipulation  3 premonition  4 collation

(解説) stipulation in the contractのコロケーションで解ける問題、7000語。stipulated by law(法律で定められる)、I have an uneasy premonition.(不吉な予感がする)、collate the documents by page(書類をページ順に並べる。英検では10000語水準ですが、TOEICでは必須単語)


9. Although the professor was convinced Margie had copied her report from a friend, she remained (    ) that the work was her own.

1 adamant  2 elated  3 staid  4 penitent

(解説) adamant [=very stubborn](断固とした、9000語)、penitent(後悔した、8000語)elated(大得意の、7000語)staid[=calm](落ち着いた、13000語)


adamant (opposition, refusal, attitude, position)(断固とした・頑固な)「反対・態度」と主に結びつく

elated (face, smile, feeling, mood)(大喜びで)「表情・感情」と主に結びつく

penitent (sinner, thief, offender)(後悔した)「罪人」と結びつく


10. When Graig arrived late at work for the third day in a row, his manager gave him an official (    ), warning him that habitual lateness was grounds for dismissal.

1 repertoire  2 emulation  3 reprimand  4 elocution

(解説) reprimand(仕事や職場で叱られる)、ちなみに「学校で叱られる」はscoldemulate the U.S (アメリカに憧れて見習う、9000語)、repertoire(レパートリー、題目)、elocution(演説法、雄弁術)


emulate sb’s (success, achievement, deeds)(まねる・見習う・競う)       「成功・業績」と主に結びつく


11 An internal investigation concluded that corruption in the police force is (    ). It was found that many senior officers have links to organized crime.

1 endemic  2 invincible  3 extrinsic  4 assailable

(解説) corruptionに結びつくコロケーションはendemicしかない。endemic disease(風土病)、invincible champion(無敵のチャンピオン9000語)、assail someone with questions(()質問攻めにする)、extrinsic(外来性の、非本質的な)は意味が分からなくても、intrinsic(固有の、本質的な)の意味を知っていれば、exがついて反対の意味となる。assailable(攻撃できる、8000語)


invincible (army, force, spirit)(無敵の・ゆるぎない)「軍隊・精神」と主に結びつく


12. “The Deacon River is perfect for rafting,” said the guide, “but be careful when going down into the (    ). The sides are very steep and rocky.”

1 lurch  2 tinge  3 hunch  4 gorge

(解説) going down into the gorgeのコロケーション。gorge(渓谷、食道)、a tinge of anger[jealousy] (の気味がある、※よくライティングに使われる)、lurch(急にガタッと傾く)、leave in the lurch(〜を陥れる、※エコノミストなどで使われている。)


tinge of (irony, regret, sadness, pink)(かすかな様子・色合い)「感情・色彩」と主に結びつく


13. During a debate, it is important not only to present your case but also to (    ) the arguments of your opponents.

1 heave  2 rebut  3 foment  4 fortify

(解説) rebut an argument(議論に反論する、8000語)heaveはよっこいしょ!と「(重いものを)引っ張る、上げる」、foment a riot(暴動をあおる、[instigate]80009000語)


rebut a(an) (argument, statement, evidence, claim)(反論する)「主張・議論」と結びつく

foment (trouble, disorder, revolution)(扇動する)「問題・反乱」と主に結びつく

fortifyone's defense[position],the alliance[town])(強化する)「立場・関係・場所」と主に結びつく


14. In an effort to save money for a new car, Jason decided to (    ) his annual holiday to Hawaii.

1 forgo  2 forebode  3 enliven  4 enlighten

(解説) forgo[=do without](なしで済ませる、差し控える、8000語、※少し固い表現ですが、時々使用される)、I have a foreboding [a bad feeling, premonition](イヤな予感がする)、enliven the mood[party](活気づかせる、[=invigorate]9000語)、enliven myself with an alcohol(アルコールで自分を元気づかせる)


15. A: I wish I hadn’t worn these new boots on this hike. I was in pain after the first hour, and now I have big (    ) on both feet.

B: That’s too bad, but I did warn you.

1 shoots  2 blisters  3 clots  4 pods

(解説) blister on my hand (手のマメ、水ぶくれ)、clot(血栓)


16. To the surprise of party leaders, the young candidate’s campaign to become governor gathered (    ), and she soon became the leading contender.

1 abstention  2 modulation  3 decorum  4 momentum

(解説) gather momentumという定型のコロケーション。well- modulated voice(よく調整された声)

decorum(礼儀作法、7000語)、abstention(抑制、8000語、abstain from smoking 喫煙を控える)


17. A: I really hope Frank forgives me for lying to him.

   B: Don’t worry. He’s not the type of person to hold a (    ). He’s probably forgotten about it already.

1 jeer  2 jostle  3 grudge  4 growl

(解説) hold a grudge( [=hostility] 根に持つ)のコロケーション。jeer at (〜をやじる、からかう)

jostled in the crowd(人ごみで押し合いになる、10000語)grudge(出し惜しむ、ungrudginglyで「物惜しみせずに、気前よく」)、growl(うなる、7000語)


grudge (one’s time[money], sb’s success)(出し惜しむ・妬む) 「時間・金・成功」と結びつきやすい


18. Yuko enjoys (    ) with vendors at flea markets. She has become so good at it that she sometimes only pays half the asking price.

1 haggling  2 dodging  3 binging  4 budging

(解説) haggle over the price(値段を交渉する、値切る、8000語)のコロケーションで解きましょう。wouldn't budge an inch(ビクともしない、9000語)、go on a shopping binge(spree, 買い物しまくる)、dodge a bullet(弾丸をよける)


haggle over the (price, fare, cost)(値切る・交渉する)「値段・費用」と結びつく


19. A: Was Jim nervous before taking his final university exam?

   B: Not at all. He was his usual (    ) self. I can’t understand how he can always be so calm.

1 virulent  2 nonchalant  3 truculent  4 petulant

(解説) nonchalant attitude(平然とした・動じない、12000語)truculent attitude(好戦的な態度、15000語)、petulant child(,怒りっぽい、イライラした[=peevish]virulent(悪性の・悪意に満ちた、10000語)


virulent (disease, opposition, criticism, hostility)(悪性の・敵意に満ちた)「病気・反抗」と結びつきやすい

nonchalant (attitude, behavior, shrug)(無関心な)「態度・振る舞い」と主に結びつく


20. A: Did you hear that James is planning to climb Mount Everest this year? Last year, it was hang gliding, now it’s mountain climbing!

B: Yeah, he has such a (    ) for life that he wants to try everything.

1 zest  2 pest  3 caste  4 tryst

(解説)これはよく出てくるコロケーション!! a zest for life(生きる意欲)caste system(カースト制)、tryst(GREなどに出てくる3万語水準レベル。恋人同士の約束)


21. Professor Hadley was concerned about his new student. Despite his efforts to help her integrate, she remained (    ) from her classmates and would hardly talk to them.

1 agape  2 bereft  3 aloof  4 bedraggled

(解説) aloof(打ち解けない)、bereft(奪われた、bereaveの過去、過去分詞形)、agape(口をポカンと開けている)、bedraggled clothes(雨で濡れて汚れた服、20000語)


22. David overslept again this morning. He only just had enough time to get dressed and (    ) a piece of toast before running out to catch the school bus.

1 trump up  2 trim down  3 chase up  4 wolf down

(解説) wolf down[=devour, gulp down](ガツガツ食べる)chase up(追いつめる)、trump up an alibi(アリバイをでっちあげる[= cook up,])、trim down the cost(コストを削減する)


23 Police are searching for thieves who broke into an art museum in Sydney yesterday. The thieves (    ) at least three masterpieces worth a total of $32 million.

1 made off with  2 ran up against  3 faced off with  4 measured up against

(解説) make off with (〜を持ち逃げする)、 ran up against the wall(壁にぶつかる)、 face off with(〜と対決する)


24. When Karen was accused of stealing important company documents, her coworkers (    ) her, insisting he would never do such a thing.

1 tacked on  2 rallied around  3 descended on  4 flailed around

(解説) こういうふうに知らないイディオムが並んでいると迷いがちですが、前置詞の語感で考えていきましょう。rally around her(彼女の周りに集まる)、flail(ムチで打ちまくる)


25. I wish Peter would stop (    ) about how big the trout was that he caught on his fishing trip! It’s all he’s talked about this week.

1 striking off  2 lopping off  3 stumbling on  4 harping on

(解説) harp on〜 (〜をクドクド言う)は必須イディオム。 offはパキンと切断する、分離させるの語感。 stumble on(〜につまずく)


みなさん、いかがでしたか。今回の英検1級語彙問題は、レベル3の 12000語以上(完成語彙)  米国の大学院入試(GRE)レベルの語彙が少なからず出題されていたために、難しく感じられたのではないかと思います。


Let’s enjoy the process! (陽は必ず昇る!)

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